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Muserhode [22/08/16 01:20]
Goodness me! I'm so flabbergasted by all those wonderful rhymes, they catched up all my soul,my mind, my eyes! What's war then??? Pain, tears n' death, I hate what makes a man be a mankind's killer! Take this Rets: you just made me cry, believe me you are keen on writing poetries, finally this is designed to be the century song really, weldone sonny! A big vote with a big smile! :)

Ancienmembre [21/08/16 14:55]
I see what a pity !
I do like writing in english and spanish too
which is quite different
I love languages

Retsnomyrruc [21/08/16 10:24]
It is, but as I mostly write for French people to read, I have to limit the amount of work I do in English ^^

Ancienmembre [21/08/16 09:13]
very epic and strong
that's your language