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Loren [20/01/21 11:57]
thanks Lorenzina. I look forward to your next artwork.

Ancienmembre [16/01/21 17:49]
**Not only do I like it !, I'm Fascinated by the Expressiveness of your Poem... !! :^) ..and in add, what could be more Moving than to receive such a Special poetic gift, springing from an Enchanting Grace like yours... an effusion of an inner delicacy, of an astonishing sensitivity... thanks, Very Sweet Loren !! :))**

Loren [14/01/21 14:31]
I'm happy you liked my poèm.

Loren [14/01/21 14:27]
Thank you very much Lorenzina for your comment. Indeed, I like the symbols in the painting. Your marvelous artwork caused emotions. Do you understand french? My english isn't perfect. It's possible i don't use the right word but i tried however.
Saintes wanted to know how you painted your artwork;( techniques)
I hope to see others artwork.

Ancienmembre [14/01/21 08:50]
Thank you very much Loren for the nice lyrics of the poetry from which transpires your enchanting sensitivity... deeply moves me ! !

Ancienmembre [14/01/21 07:10]
Marvelous artwork !! A superb and touching theme with a wealth of symbols in a delightful harmony of colors... ! I love it ! Congrats !

Loren [12/11/20 18:39]
Merci Catriane pour votre commentaire. Vous êtes très bien inspirée. Effectivement, Le coffre représente le coeur et la rose bleue l'amour éternel. La collier symbolise la vie et il est brisé face à la disparition d'un être cher. D'une larme jaillit la lumière.

Catriane [11/11/20 18:03]
La boite est l'écrin du coeur dont s'envole l'amour comme une fleur Diamant bleu de la vie Voilà ce que m'inspire votre tableau J'aime cette clarté qui part en s'élargissant