
Boom go the bombs, falling on our heads
boom go the guns, piling up the dead

Crash go the tanks, over rubble thick,
Crash go the waves, with boats full of our sick

Flying go our planes, off to Germany
Sailing go our ships, down to Normandy

Many many years, we have fought and cried
Many many times, our armies have been tried

Our allies they are many, our enemies they are too
But soldiers keep on dying, we're whittled down to few

We must keep on fighting, no matter what the cost
For liberty, for freedom, for those that we have lost

They say that we are winning, they hear the victory bells
While us, we are still hurting, from sights and sounds and smells

They think that this is over, they sing and shout and yell
But what they're all forgetting is the war from mankind's hell

We will still remember, many years from now
Wake up in the night, with sweat apouring from our brow

It never really finished, in fact it's only just begun
With all of this in mind... Who can really say «*We won*»*?

Réflexion sur les horreurs de la guerre et le TSPT, sans trop aller dans le détail.

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Ecrit par Retsnomyrruc
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